We are experienced Scottish filmmakers making compassionate and inspiring work. In 2023, we started working on a very ambitious documentary – “the female suicide film project (working title)”. The film focuses exclusively on female experience of suicide, from a wide variety of different perspectives, involving people with lived experience, women who have lost loved ones to suicide and support services. Watch this space for further updates.

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As Scottish documentary female-led filmmakers, we feel really privileged when people share their stories with us. Having worked in the Third Sector for over 30 years we have a depth of diverse experience that have honed our skills – we know how to listen, to support and to empower. We also know how to raise the bar, to make our films visually beautiful and engaging that gives a further depth to our work.

As female-led filmmakers, our real strength is in being able to work compassionately and with an open heart with very difficult subjects – death, grief, child abuse, self-harm, suicide, mental health issues.

Another strength we have is encouraging our interviewees to connect difficult lived experience with positive and empowering messages that give themselves and other people hope and the ability to see a future that they potentially couldn’t consider before.  We also understand the importance of supporting  people before, during and after the interviews so that the filmmaking experience is a very empowering and positive experience. 

From the first moment of meeting, we create an environment where people feel safe, secure and empowered to share sometimes difficult or unusual stories. We listen, we laugh together and we answer any questions you have and we share our visions for what makes powerful documentary films and why they are important to make. 

We value every single person’s voice and we believe that sharing your story helps make the world a much better place for everyone to live in. We also think it is important to hear the female voice in our documentaries as often as possible, to encourage other women, and men, to look at the world in a different way and also to encourage other Scottish female-led filmmakers to make films and share their own perspectives.Documentary films help people to connect, both with the world around them and with themselves. 

We are based in Scotland, but  love an opportunity to travel throughout the UK and abroad too. If you have a story to share, if you are an organisation that works with people with lived experience of mental health, addiction and want to make a film video or series of videos that have the power to reach a wide and broad audience, please get in touch to discuss.