THE POWER OF ADVERTISING. It’s been amazing to watch our long term client, Candid, as they’ve grow massively from a small start-up into a corporate company with 50+ employees and an outstanding vision to protect families, with life insurance, should the worse thing happen. Because it does, everyday.

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As a small, but dynamic video production company, we have loved being a huge part of Candid’s growth and development (life insurance) for the past 5 years – producing videos and social media content and campaigns that really hit home. We love that our videos are making a difference in this world! Millions of people – literally millions! – have got life insurance because of our videos, which are people focused, passionate, heartbreaking at times and beautifully filmed. We have made 15 second TV adverts through to much longer social media series where the same vital message is being shared – get life insurance! It’s so important for your families future. 

We have met some amazing people and travelled extensively through-out the UK. We have carried out over 300 interviews, in places ranging from Inverness to South-End-on-Sea, London, Surrey, Belfast, Cardiff, Glasgow and loved the journey. And as Candid has grew as a business, so have we. We’re even more confident, far more aware of the impact that video can make to getting your videos in front of the right people, at the right time.

We love making all kinds of videos, but interview-based work has a special place in our hearts. If you have an idea where you want to make videos that focus on storytelling, and make that story as relevant as possible on social media, we’d love to hear from you.